Check out terms and conditions.
In these general conditions of menagement,the relation of (in further text "agency"),
on one side and outermost client (in further text "guest") on the other side,are fully described.
The owner of the accommodation,excursion guide and the owner of the vehicle for transfer, in the
further text will be addressed as the "service provider".
Agency has the role of the mediator in renting accommodation units,organizing transfers,renting cars and
in organizing excursions for the guests (in further text,services).Agency gives services according to the
information proclaimed on web site and according to the reservations made,except in case
of death of the service provider,close relatives or some other unexpected circumstances which can't be prevented
(natural,terroristical or political circumstances),(in further text "extraordinary circumstances").")
Price of every service is pointed out visibly next to the description of service.The prices are expressed
in EUROS.Additional services are not included in price,unless it's pointed out and guest is paying for them
additionaly.Agency holds the right to change the prices if the service provider demands it or because of the
difference in exchange rate.Agency informs the guest about the change of price before advance payment.
After the advance payment has been deposited,agency guarantees the guest congruence of accommodation prices.
If in case of extraordinary circumstances,on which agency can't influence,comes to change of prices,agency
holds the right in increasing the price,15 days the most,after the pre-payment has been done.If the price
increases for more than 15%,the guest has the right to withdraw the deposited money.If more people,then it
was comfirmed, come to accommodation unit,the owner of accommodation has the right to ask the money for the
additional guest.
Service reservations and questions concerning reservation are done by e-mail or by comming to agency
personaly.By making a reservation,guest fully accepts all the conditions of menagement, which are described
in this text.It means that all enclosed in general conditions, business becomes legal obligation for a guest
and the agency.Agency gives a guest all the relevante information about accommodation at disposal and in return,
demands from the guest to give all the information neccessary for process of reservation.Reservation becomes
legal when prepayment is deposed,defined model of payment.The rest of the amount should be payed at least
15 days before the beginning of service or directly to the provider of services when the guest checks in.
If the payment is done with the credit card in Croatia,the card is charged equivalently in KUNAS under the
exchange rate set by PBZ on the day of payment.
All the objects offered on the web site have,by the authorized state institution, an official categorization
Categorization of objects differ from state to state and are not comparable.
According to the lawful regulation concerning the residence taxes in Republic of Croatia, the residence
tax is payed when the guest comes to the place where he'll be accommodated. The prices which are pointed out next
to the descriptionof accommodation,contain the amount of residence tax,and if the price doesn't contain residence
tax it is additionaly noted.In the calculation of the reservation, price of the residence tax is stated as
seperate item, but which is payed together with the accommodation.
Residence tax costs 2,00 to 7,00 kunas per day,depending on the place of accommodation.Younger people from
12 to 18 pay 50% of residence tax,while chilidren under 12 are free of paying residence tax.
Agency's obligation is providing services described in introduction in accordance with menagement
and human ethics,except in extraordenary circumstances,when it acts as it is described in paragraph
Guest bounds to act according to the following rules:
- Own valid personal documents (passaport,visa-if neccessary)
- Respect legal regulations of Republic of Croatia (customs,currency and other regulations)
- Respect house rules and co-operate with the service provider
- When comming to destination or when checking in accommodation,will present to the service provider
valid voucher (as a proof of settled services) received by e-mail
- PBy comfirming reservation,guest bounds to undefferable compesation of demage to the provider of services,
in case he,himself,has done the demage.
In case the guest doesn't act in accordance with aforesaid obligations,responsibility and material
damage will be on his expanse.
Agencija može otkazati i promjeniti rezervirani smještaj u sluèaju izvanrednih okolnosti. Agencija će ponuditi
gostu zamjenski smještaj iste ili više kategorije po cijeni koju je gost ugovorio sa agencijom. Ukoliko razlika u cijeni za objekat
više kategorije prelazi 15%, u dogovoru sa gostom agencija će tražiti nadoplatu iznosa od gosta.
Ukoliko agencija nije u
stanju ponuditi zamjenski smještaj, ona zadržava pravo otkaza rezervacije u roku manjem od 7 dana prije pocetka korištenja usluge, te
jamèi povrat uplaćene akontacije.

Change or cancelation of reservation after prepayment has been done,guest can make only in writing
(mail,fax,e-mail,which is mentioned in reservation). Under the change we consider the change of number of people
comming,the change of the date of arrival and beginning of using services as well as changing the date of ending
using our services 30 days before beginning of using services.Change of accommodation and some other changes within
30 days, is considered as canceling the reservation.
First change is free while further changes are charged additional 20 euros.
In case where change of
reservation is not possible and the guest cancels reservation,we apply following conditions of cancelation:
The date of arrival of written cancelation is applied as term date of counting the expenses.
a) cancelation up to 60 days before beginning of using our services is not charged at all
b) cancelation of 60 to 30 days before the beginning of using our services is charged 50% of the accomodation price
c) cancelation of 30 to 14 days before the beginning of using our services is charged 80% of the accomodation price
d) for the cancelation which is done 14 day before the beginning of using our services,if the guest doesn't come
or cancels the reservation we charge 100% of the accommodation price.
If the guest doesn't show up in accommodation unit until midnighton the date of reservation and doesn't
contact agency or service provider,it is considered canceled and is charged by aforesaid.

If the guest is not satisfied with payed service, he has the right to object and demand certain compensation
for unfulfilled services.Demand for compensation should be in a written form.
Guest is obliged to make a complaint for unsuitable service to a service provider right away after the arrival
and at the same time give notice to agency on e-mail addresse: or mobile number:098/167-4446.
Agency will then send an agent to the accomodation unit and the guest is obliged to wait for him at the place which
he objected about. Guest is obliged to co-operate with an agent and service provider in order to eliminate the reason
of complaint. Agent will offer the guest adequate exchange in the same object (if it's available).In case he doesn't
accept,the agency is not obliged to accept additional objection.
Agency is not responsible for the contents of the object which are not in the object complex
where accommodation is situated.
If the complaint is not solved, agent composes written confirmation in two samples. One for the guest and the
other for the agency. At least 8 days after the return from the vacation the guest is obliged to send a
written objection,together with the copy of the record which he had gotten from the agent and other documents
and photographs, neccessary for making an objection to or to the addresse ,Kre¹imirova bb, 21213 Ka¹tel Gomilica, Croatia.Agency will review only fully documented
objections,sent within 8 days.
Agency is obligated to bring a decision about the guest's objection within 15 days after getting a
written objection.Term might be prolonged because of information gathering.
If the guest doesn't make a complaint, for unfulfilled services, promptly,h e will not achieve a right to compensation.
Guest acts alone in settlemant of an objection.,in other words,he gives up the right of taking a
mediator,party,judicial body and other organizations,and he gives up the right of giving information
to public instruments,media until the agency comes up with legal settlement.
The highest compensation for an objection can be realized for the amount of the complaint share. Compensation for
used services and return of the full service cost amount is out of question.
Agency is not responsible for weather or other climatic conditions and events which can displeasure the guest.
In case of displeasure of the guest,which is confirmed by agency's legal sttlement about
objection,guest has the right to institute legal proceedings.In that case authority has the Split
court under the law regulations of Republic of Croatia.
By disposing a prepayment or total amount for the chosen arrangement,guest fully accepts
general terms,aforesaid, under which the agency does business.