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Railroad of Ciro - 560 km of cycling routes

Railroad of Ciro - Cycling route from Mostar to Dubrovnik

About old railroad

European trend of converting abandoned railroad tracks into cycling routes has arrived in our region.
The Historic Railroad Trail with steam locomotives passes from Mostar alongside Neretva river all the way across the border with Croatia, ending in Dubrovnik.
The construction of this trail started in 1898 and ended in 1901.
Today this trail is reconstructed into 200 kilometers long cycling track, with more than 350 km of additional tracks directly connected with main route.

New cycling experience in Dubrovnik and Mostar area

It's our pleasure to present a converted railroad track of that kind divided in few parts, which is a unique tourist project in the region of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia named The Railroad of Ciro or Ciro's railroad track.
Railroad of Ciro track connects two states and enables nature lovers to explore landscapes, natural and historical attractions while cycling in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.
Our excursions incorporate the beauties of the South Dalmatian hinterland and coastal area as well as the South of Herzegovina, alongside with the excursions that we organise on a larger Dubrovnik area and cycling on the Ciro's railroad trail, excursions that will satisfy all sorts of nature and gastronomy lovers.

For those who want to enjoy the experience with less effort, we offer rental of high quality MTB e-bikes.
You can start your excursion from Mostar or Dubrovnik, two unique cities with lots of historic monuments.

Railroad of Ciro cycling route: What to do / What to see?


Cities along Railroad of Ciro cycling route